Module pearl.policy_learners.exploration_modules.common.no_exploration

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from typing import Optional

import torch

from pearl.api.action import Action
from pearl.api.action_space import ActionSpace
from pearl.history_summarization_modules.history_summarization_module import (
from pearl.policy_learners.exploration_modules.common.score_exploration_base import (
from pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.discrete import DiscreteSpace

class NoExploration(ScoreExplorationBase):
    An exploration module that does not explore.
    It implements a `get_score` function that assumes `values` is given
    and simply returns the values for each action.

    def get_scores(
        subjective_state: SubjectiveState,
        action_space: ActionSpace,
        values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
        exploit_action: Optional[Action] = None,
        representation: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None,
    ) -> Action:
        if exploit_action is not None:
            raise ValueError("exploit_action shouldn't be used. use `values` instead")
        assert isinstance(action_space, DiscreteSpace)
        assert values is not None
        return values.view(-1, action_space.n)  # batch_size, action_count


class NoExploration

An exploration module that does not explore. It implements a get_score function that assumes values is given and simply returns the values for each action.

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class NoExploration(ScoreExplorationBase):
    An exploration module that does not explore.
    It implements a `get_score` function that assumes `values` is given
    and simply returns the values for each action.

    def get_scores(
        subjective_state: SubjectiveState,
        action_space: ActionSpace,
        values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
        exploit_action: Optional[Action] = None,
        representation: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None,
    ) -> Action:
        if exploit_action is not None:
            raise ValueError("exploit_action shouldn't be used. use `values` instead")
        assert isinstance(action_space, DiscreteSpace)
        assert values is not None
        return values.view(-1, action_space.n)  # batch_size, action_count


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