Module pearl.utils.device

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import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from pearl.utils.functional_utils.python_utils import value_of_first_item

class DeviceNotFoundInModuleError(ValueError):

def get_device(module: torch.nn.Module) -> torch.device:
    Get the device that a module is on.
    This is achieved by looking for non-empty parameters in the module and returning the
    device of the first parameter found.
    If no parameters are found, then we look for sub-modules and recurse down the tree
    until we find a parameter or reach the end.
    If we have neither parameters not sub-modules,
    then a DeviceNotFoundInModuleError is raised.
    if (
        hasattr(module, "_parameters")
        and (first_parameter := value_of_first_item(module._parameters)) is not None
        return first_parameter.device
    elif (first_sub_module := value_of_first_item(module._modules)) is not None:
            return get_device(first_sub_module)
        except DeviceNotFoundInModuleError:
            raise DeviceNotFoundInModuleError(
                f"Could not find a device for module {module} because it "
                "has no parameters and could not find device in its first sub-module"
        raise DeviceNotFoundInModuleError(
            f"Cannot determine the device for module {module}"
            "because it has neither parameters nor sub-modules"

def get_pearl_device(device_id: int = -1) -> torch.device:
    if device_id != -1:
        return torch.device("cuda:" + str(device_id))

        # This is to pytorch distributed run, and should not affect
        # original implementation of this file
        local_rank = dist.get_rank()
    except Exception:
        local_rank = 0

    return torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

def is_distribution_enabled() -> bool:
    return dist.is_initialized() and dist.is_available()

def get_default_device() -> torch.device:
    Returns the torch default device, that is,
    the device on which factory methods without a `device`
    specification place their tensors.
    return torch.tensor(0).device


def get_default_device() ‑> torch.device

Returns the torch default device, that is, the device on which factory methods without a device specification place their tensors.

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def get_default_device() -> torch.device:
    Returns the torch default device, that is,
    the device on which factory methods without a `device`
    specification place their tensors.
    return torch.tensor(0).device
def get_device(module: torch.nn.modules.module.Module) ‑> torch.device

Get the device that a module is on. This is achieved by looking for non-empty parameters in the module and returning the device of the first parameter found. If no parameters are found, then we look for sub-modules and recurse down the tree until we find a parameter or reach the end. If we have neither parameters not sub-modules, then a DeviceNotFoundInModuleError is raised.

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def get_device(module: torch.nn.Module) -> torch.device:
    Get the device that a module is on.
    This is achieved by looking for non-empty parameters in the module and returning the
    device of the first parameter found.
    If no parameters are found, then we look for sub-modules and recurse down the tree
    until we find a parameter or reach the end.
    If we have neither parameters not sub-modules,
    then a DeviceNotFoundInModuleError is raised.
    if (
        hasattr(module, "_parameters")
        and (first_parameter := value_of_first_item(module._parameters)) is not None
        return first_parameter.device
    elif (first_sub_module := value_of_first_item(module._modules)) is not None:
            return get_device(first_sub_module)
        except DeviceNotFoundInModuleError:
            raise DeviceNotFoundInModuleError(
                f"Could not find a device for module {module} because it "
                "has no parameters and could not find device in its first sub-module"
        raise DeviceNotFoundInModuleError(
            f"Cannot determine the device for module {module}"
            "because it has neither parameters nor sub-modules"
def get_pearl_device(device_id: int = -1) ‑> torch.device
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def get_pearl_device(device_id: int = -1) -> torch.device:
    if device_id != -1:
        return torch.device("cuda:" + str(device_id))

        # This is to pytorch distributed run, and should not affect
        # original implementation of this file
        local_rank = dist.get_rank()
    except Exception:
        local_rank = 0

    return torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
def is_distribution_enabled() ‑> bool
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def is_distribution_enabled() -> bool:
    return dist.is_initialized() and dist.is_available()


class DeviceNotFoundInModuleError (*args, **kwargs)

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

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class DeviceNotFoundInModuleError(ValueError):


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException