Module pearl.utils.functional_utils.learning.loss_fn_utils

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#!/usr/bin/env fbpython
# (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. Confidential and proprietary.

import torch
from pearl.neural_networks.sequential_decision_making.q_value_network import (
from pearl.replay_buffers.transition import TransitionBatch
from pearl.utils.functional_utils.learning.extend_state_feature import (
from torch import Tensor

def compute_cql_loss(
    q_network: QValueNetwork, batch: TransitionBatch, batch_size: int
) -> torch.Tensor:

    Compute CQL loss for a batch of data.

    1) q_network: to compute the q values of every (state, action) pair.
    2) batch: batch of data transitions (state, action, reward, done, next_state) along with
              (current and next) available actions.
    3) batch_size: size of batch.

    cql_loss: Tensor with gradients.

    To compute cql_loss:
    1) Step 1: extend batch.state (2d tensor) with the available actions for each state to get a
               3d tensor.
    2) Step 2: get q values of a batch of states and all corresponding available actions
               for each state.
    3) Step 3: get q values of (state, action) pairs in the batch.
    4) Step 4: compute cql_loss = 1/(batch_size) * (
                            sum_{state in batch}
                                  [log( sum_{action in current_available actions}
                                                   exp(Q(state, action)) )
                            - sum_{(state, action) in batch} Q(state, action)
    Note: the first term in computing the cql loss uses state action values for all actions
    for each state in the batch while the second term only uses (state, action) in the batch.
    assert batch.curr_available_actions is not None
    # Step 1
    state_repeated_batch = extend_state_feature_by_available_action_space(
    )  # output shape: [batch_size, available_action_space_size, state_dim(dim of state features)]

    # TODO: change the output shape of get_q_values method - .view(-1) should not be done in

    # Step 2
    assert batch.curr_available_actions is not None
    q_values_state_all_available_actions = q_network.get_q_values(
        state_repeated_batch, batch.curr_available_actions
    ).view(batch_size, -1)
    # shape: [batch_size, available_action_space_size]

    # Step 3
    q_values_state_actions_in_batch = q_values_state_all_available_actions.gather(
        1, batch.action

    # Step 4
    cql_loss = (
        torch.logsumexp(q_values_state_all_available_actions, dim=-1).mean()
        - q_values_state_actions_in_batch.mean()

    return cql_loss

def compute_elementwise_huber_loss(input_errors: Tensor, kappa: float = 1.0) -> Tensor:
    huber_loss = torch.where(
        torch.abs(input_errors) <= kappa,
        0.5 * (input_errors.pow(2)),
        kappa * (torch.abs(input_errors) - (0.5 * kappa)),
    return huber_loss


def compute_cql_loss(q_network: QValueNetwork, batch: TransitionBatch, batch_size: int) ‑> torch.Tensor

Compute CQL loss for a batch of data.

Inputs: 1) q_network: to compute the q values of every (state, action) pair. 2) batch: batch of data transitions (state, action, reward, done, next_state) along with (current and next) available actions. 3) batch_size: size of batch.

Outputs: cql_loss: Tensor with gradients.

To compute cql_loss: 1) Step 1: extend batch.state (2d tensor) with the available actions for each state to get a 3d tensor. 2) Step 2: get q values of a batch of states and all corresponding available actions for each state. 3) Step 3: get q values of (state, action) pairs in the batch. 4) Step 4: compute cql_loss = 1/(batch_size) * ( sum_{state in batch} [log( sum_{action in current_available actions} exp(Q(state, action)) ) ] - sum_{(state, action) in batch} Q(state, action) ). Note: the first term in computing the cql loss uses state action values for all actions for each state in the batch while the second term only uses (state, action) in the batch.

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def compute_cql_loss(
    q_network: QValueNetwork, batch: TransitionBatch, batch_size: int
) -> torch.Tensor:

    Compute CQL loss for a batch of data.

    1) q_network: to compute the q values of every (state, action) pair.
    2) batch: batch of data transitions (state, action, reward, done, next_state) along with
              (current and next) available actions.
    3) batch_size: size of batch.

    cql_loss: Tensor with gradients.

    To compute cql_loss:
    1) Step 1: extend batch.state (2d tensor) with the available actions for each state to get a
               3d tensor.
    2) Step 2: get q values of a batch of states and all corresponding available actions
               for each state.
    3) Step 3: get q values of (state, action) pairs in the batch.
    4) Step 4: compute cql_loss = 1/(batch_size) * (
                            sum_{state in batch}
                                  [log( sum_{action in current_available actions}
                                                   exp(Q(state, action)) )
                            - sum_{(state, action) in batch} Q(state, action)
    Note: the first term in computing the cql loss uses state action values for all actions
    for each state in the batch while the second term only uses (state, action) in the batch.
    assert batch.curr_available_actions is not None
    # Step 1
    state_repeated_batch = extend_state_feature_by_available_action_space(
    )  # output shape: [batch_size, available_action_space_size, state_dim(dim of state features)]

    # TODO: change the output shape of get_q_values method - .view(-1) should not be done in

    # Step 2
    assert batch.curr_available_actions is not None
    q_values_state_all_available_actions = q_network.get_q_values(
        state_repeated_batch, batch.curr_available_actions
    ).view(batch_size, -1)
    # shape: [batch_size, available_action_space_size]

    # Step 3
    q_values_state_actions_in_batch = q_values_state_all_available_actions.gather(
        1, batch.action

    # Step 4
    cql_loss = (
        torch.logsumexp(q_values_state_all_available_actions, dim=-1).mean()
        - q_values_state_actions_in_batch.mean()

    return cql_loss
def compute_elementwise_huber_loss(input_errors: torch.Tensor, kappa: float = 1.0) ‑> torch.Tensor
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def compute_elementwise_huber_loss(input_errors: Tensor, kappa: float = 1.0) -> Tensor:
    huber_loss = torch.where(
        torch.abs(input_errors) <= kappa,
        0.5 * (input_errors.pow(2)),
        kappa * (torch.abs(input_errors) - (0.5 * kappa)),
    return huber_loss