Module pearl.utils.functional_utils.python_utils

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from typing import Dict, Optional, Type, TypeVar

K = TypeVar("K")
V = TypeVar("V")

def value_of_first_item(d: Dict[K, V]) -> Optional[V]:
    """Returns the first item in a dictionary or None if inexistent."""
    return next(iter(d.values())) if d else None

# In the following, we create a generic function that takes a type arg_type,
# and returns an optional object of arg_type.
# Ideally, the return type would be Optional[arg_type] but this is not valid
# because at static time we do not know whether arg_type will contain a type.
# We get around this by using a type variable ArgType,
# which, being known at static time to be a type, can be used to define the return type.
# Taking this equivalency into account,
# the type of arg_type is the type of ArgType, so we define it as
# being of Type[ArgType].
# The type checker is then able to, at static time, to determine
# ArgType for any individual call (by examining the type of the actual argument
# being passed), and therefore determining the return type at static time.

ArgType = TypeVar("ArgType")

def find_argument(
    kwarg_key: str, arg_type: Type[ArgType], *args, **kwargs  # pyre-ignore
) -> Optional[ArgType]:
    Finds the first argument in args and kwargs that either has type `arg_type` or
    is a named argument with the given kwarg_key.
    Returns None if no such argument exists.
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, arg_type):
            return arg
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if k == kwarg_key:
            return v
    return None


def find_argument(kwarg_key: str, arg_type: Type[~ArgType], *args, **kwargs) ‑> Optional[~ArgType]

Finds the first argument in args and kwargs that either has type arg_type or is a named argument with the given kwarg_key. Returns None if no such argument exists.

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def find_argument(
    kwarg_key: str, arg_type: Type[ArgType], *args, **kwargs  # pyre-ignore
) -> Optional[ArgType]:
    Finds the first argument in args and kwargs that either has type `arg_type` or
    is a named argument with the given kwarg_key.
    Returns None if no such argument exists.
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, arg_type):
            return arg
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if k == kwarg_key:
            return v
    return None
def value_of_first_item(d: Dict[~K, ~V]) ‑> Optional[~V]

Returns the first item in a dictionary or None if inexistent.

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def value_of_first_item(d: Dict[K, V]) -> Optional[V]:
    """Returns the first item in a dictionary or None if inexistent."""
    return next(iter(d.values())) if d else None