Module pearl.utils.instantiations.environments.environments

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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Tuple

from pearl.api.observation import Observation
from import Space
from pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.discrete import DiscreteSpace

from pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.discrete_action import DiscreteActionSpace

    import gymnasium as gym
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import gym

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pearl.api.action import Action
from pearl.api.action_result import ActionResult
from pearl.api.action_space import ActionSpace
from pearl.api.environment import Environment

class FixedNumberOfStepsEnvironment(Environment):
    def __init__(self, number_of_steps: int = 100) -> None:
        self.number_of_steps_so_far = 0
        self.number_of_steps: int = number_of_steps
        self._action_space = DiscreteActionSpace(
            [torch.tensor(True), torch.tensor(False)]

    def step(self, action: Action) -> ActionResult:
        self.number_of_steps_so_far += 1
        return ActionResult(

    def render(self) -> None:

    def action_space(self) -> ActionSpace:
        return self._action_space

    def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[Observation, ActionSpace]:
        return self.number_of_steps_so_far, self.action_space

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return type(self).__name__

class BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase(Environment, ABC):
    An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into
    a Box observation space with dimension 1.
    This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

    def __init__(
        base_environment: Environment,
    ) -> None:
        self.base_environment = base_environment
        self.observation_space: Space = self.make_observation_space(base_environment)

    def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:

    def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:

    def action_space(self) -> ActionSpace:
        return self.base_environment.action_space

    def step(self, action: Action) -> ActionResult:
        action_result = self.base_environment.step(action)
        action_result.observation = self.compute_tensor_observation(
        return action_result

    def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[Observation, ActionSpace]:
        observation, action_space = self.base_environment.reset(seed=seed)
        return self.compute_tensor_observation(observation), action_space

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.short_description} from {self.base_environment}"

    def short_description(self) -> str:
        return self.__class__.__name__

class BoxObservationsFromDiscrete(BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase):
    An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into
    a Box observation space with dimension 1.
    The observations are tensors of length 1 containing the original observations.

    This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

    def __init__(self, base_environment: Environment) -> None:
        super(BoxObservationsFromDiscrete, self).__init__(base_environment)

    def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:
        low_action = np.array([0])
        # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
        # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
        assert isinstance(base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
        high_action = np.array([base_environment.observation_space.n - 1])
        # pyre-fixme: returning Gym Box but needs to return Pearl Space
        return gym.spaces.Box(low=low_action, high=high_action, shape=(1,))

    def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:
        return torch.tensor([observation])

class OneHotObservationsFromDiscrete(BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase):
    An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into
    a Box observation space with dimension 1
    where the observation is a one-hot vector.

    This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

    def __init__(self, base_environment: Environment) -> None:
        super(OneHotObservationsFromDiscrete, self).__init__(base_environment)

    def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:
        # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
        # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
        assert isinstance(base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
        n = base_environment.observation_space.n
        low = np.full((n,), 0)
        high = np.full((n,), 1)
        # pyre-fixme: returning Gym Box but needs to return Pearl Space
        return gym.spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, shape=(n,))

    def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:
        if isinstance(observation, torch.Tensor):
            observation_tensor = observation
            observation_tensor = torch.tensor(observation)
        # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
        # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
        assert isinstance(self.base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
        return F.one_hot(

    def short_description(self) -> str:
        return "One-hot observations"


class BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase (base_environment: Environment)

An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into a Box observation space with dimension 1. This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

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class BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase(Environment, ABC):
    An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into
    a Box observation space with dimension 1.
    This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

    def __init__(
        base_environment: Environment,
    ) -> None:
        self.base_environment = base_environment
        self.observation_space: Space = self.make_observation_space(base_environment)

    def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:

    def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:

    def action_space(self) -> ActionSpace:
        return self.base_environment.action_space

    def step(self, action: Action) -> ActionResult:
        action_result = self.base_environment.step(action)
        action_result.observation = self.compute_tensor_observation(
        return action_result

    def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[Observation, ActionSpace]:
        observation, action_space = self.base_environment.reset(seed=seed)
        return self.compute_tensor_observation(observation), action_space

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.short_description} from {self.base_environment}"

    def short_description(self) -> str:
        return self.__class__.__name__



Static methods

def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) ‑> Space
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def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:

Instance variables

var short_description : str
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def short_description(self) -> str:
    return self.__class__.__name__


def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: object) ‑> torch.Tensor
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def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:

Inherited members

class BoxObservationsFromDiscrete (base_environment: Environment)

An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into a Box observation space with dimension 1. The observations are tensors of length 1 containing the original observations.

This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

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class BoxObservationsFromDiscrete(BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase):
    An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into
    a Box observation space with dimension 1.
    The observations are tensors of length 1 containing the original observations.

    This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

    def __init__(self, base_environment: Environment) -> None:
        super(BoxObservationsFromDiscrete, self).__init__(base_environment)

    def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:
        low_action = np.array([0])
        # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
        # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
        assert isinstance(base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
        high_action = np.array([base_environment.observation_space.n - 1])
        # pyre-fixme: returning Gym Box but needs to return Pearl Space
        return gym.spaces.Box(low=low_action, high=high_action, shape=(1,))

    def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:
        return torch.tensor([observation])


Static methods

def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) ‑> Space
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def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:
    low_action = np.array([0])
    # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
    # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
    assert isinstance(base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
    high_action = np.array([base_environment.observation_space.n - 1])
    # pyre-fixme: returning Gym Box but needs to return Pearl Space
    return gym.spaces.Box(low=low_action, high=high_action, shape=(1,))


def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: object) ‑> torch.Tensor
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def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:
    return torch.tensor([observation])

Inherited members

class FixedNumberOfStepsEnvironment (number_of_steps: int = 100)

An abstract interface for environments. An Environment is an object that the agent interacts with and provides the agent with observations in the form of an ActionResult object. This interface follows the design of environments in Gymnasium.

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class FixedNumberOfStepsEnvironment(Environment):
    def __init__(self, number_of_steps: int = 100) -> None:
        self.number_of_steps_so_far = 0
        self.number_of_steps: int = number_of_steps
        self._action_space = DiscreteActionSpace(
            [torch.tensor(True), torch.tensor(False)]

    def step(self, action: Action) -> ActionResult:
        self.number_of_steps_so_far += 1
        return ActionResult(

    def render(self) -> None:

    def action_space(self) -> ActionSpace:
        return self._action_space

    def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[Observation, ActionSpace]:
        return self.number_of_steps_so_far, self.action_space

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return type(self).__name__


Inherited members

class OneHotObservationsFromDiscrete (base_environment: Environment)

An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into a Box observation space with dimension 1 where the observation is a one-hot vector.

This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

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class OneHotObservationsFromDiscrete(BoxObservationsEnvironmentBase):
    An environment adapter mapping a Discrete observation space into
    a Box observation space with dimension 1
    where the observation is a one-hot vector.

    This is useful to use with agents expecting tensor observations.

    def __init__(self, base_environment: Environment) -> None:
        super(OneHotObservationsFromDiscrete, self).__init__(base_environment)

    def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:
        # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
        # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
        assert isinstance(base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
        n = base_environment.observation_space.n
        low = np.full((n,), 0)
        high = np.full((n,), 1)
        # pyre-fixme: returning Gym Box but needs to return Pearl Space
        return gym.spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, shape=(n,))

    def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:
        if isinstance(observation, torch.Tensor):
            observation_tensor = observation
            observation_tensor = torch.tensor(observation)
        # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
        # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
        assert isinstance(self.base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
        return F.one_hot(

    def short_description(self) -> str:
        return "One-hot observations"


Static methods

def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) ‑> Space
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def make_observation_space(base_environment: Environment) -> Space:
    # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
    # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
    assert isinstance(base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
    n = base_environment.observation_space.n
    low = np.full((n,), 0)
    high = np.full((n,), 1)
    # pyre-fixme: returning Gym Box but needs to return Pearl Space
    return gym.spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, shape=(n,))

Instance variables

var short_description : str
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def short_description(self) -> str:
    return "One-hot observations"


def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: object) ‑> torch.Tensor
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def compute_tensor_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> torch.Tensor:
    if isinstance(observation, torch.Tensor):
        observation_tensor = observation
        observation_tensor = torch.tensor(observation)
    # pyre-fixme: need to add this property in Environment
    # and implement it in all concrete subclasses
    assert isinstance(self.base_environment.observation_space, DiscreteSpace)
    return F.one_hot(

Inherited members