Module pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.discrete

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from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from typing import Iterator, List, Optional

import torch
from import Space
from torch import Tensor

    import gymnasium as gym
    from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete"Using 'gymnasium' package.")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import gym
    from gym.spaces import Discrete

    logging.warning("Using deprecated 'gym' package.")

class DiscreteSpace(Space):
    """A discrete space containing finitely many elements.

    This class makes use of the `Discrete` space from Gymnasium, but uses an
    arbitrary list of Tensor objects instead of a range of integers.

    `DiscreteSpace` is also based on PyTorch tensors instead of NumPy arrays.

    def __init__(self, elements: List[Tensor], seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Contructs a `DiscreteSpace`.

            elements: A list of Tensors representing the elements of the space.
            seed: Random seed used to initialize the random number generator of the
                underlying Gym `Discrete` space.
        if len(elements) == 0:
            raise ValueError("`DiscreteSpace` requires at least one element.")
        self._set_validated_elements(elements=elements)  # sets self.elements
        self._gym_space = Discrete(n=len(elements), seed=seed, start=0)

    def _set_validated_elements(self, elements: List[Tensor]) -> None:
        """Creates the set of elements after validating that they all have the
        same shape."""
        # Use the first shape to determine the expected shape.
        validated = []
        expected_shape = elements[0].shape
        for e in elements:
            if e.shape != expected_shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"All elements must have the same shape. Expected {expected_shape}, "
                    f"but got {e.shape}."
        self.elements = validated

    def n(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of elements in this space."""
        return self._gym_space.n

    def is_continuous(self) -> bool:
        """Checks whether this is a continuous space."""
        return False

    def shape(self) -> torch.Size:
        """Returns the shape of an element of the space."""
        return self.elements[0].shape

    def sample(self, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
        """Sample an element uniformly at random from this space.

            mask: An optional Tensor of shape `n` specifying the set of available
                elements, where `1` represents valid elements and `0` invalid elements.
                This mask is passed to Gymnasium's `Discrete.sample` method. If no
                elements are available, `self.elements[0]` is returned.

            A randomly sampled (available) element.
        mask_np = mask.numpy().astype(int) if mask is not None else None
        idx = self._gym_space.sample(mask=mask_np)
        return self.elements[idx]

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tensor]:
        for e in self.elements:
            yield e

    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tensor:
        return self.elements[index]

    def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) -> DiscreteSpace:
        """Constructs a `DiscreteSpace` given a Gymnasium `Discrete` space.
        Convert from Gymnasium's index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list
        of tensors:
            [torch.tensor([start]), ..., torch.tensor([start + n - 1])],
        in accordance to what is expected by `DiscreteSpace`.

            gym_space: A Gymnasium `Discrete` space.

            A `DiscreteSpace` with the same number of elements as `gym_space`.
        assert isinstance(gym_space, Discrete)
        start, n = gym_space.start, gym_space.n
        return DiscreteSpace(
            elements=list(torch.arange(start=start, end=start + n).view(-1, 1)),


class DiscreteSpace (elements: List[Tensor], seed: Optional[int] = None)

A discrete space containing finitely many elements.

This class makes use of the Discrete space from Gymnasium, but uses an arbitrary list of Tensor objects instead of a range of integers.

DiscreteSpace is also based on PyTorch tensors instead of NumPy arrays.

Contructs a DiscreteSpace.


A list of Tensors representing the elements of the space.
Random seed used to initialize the random number generator of the underlying Gym Discrete space.
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class DiscreteSpace(Space):
    """A discrete space containing finitely many elements.

    This class makes use of the `Discrete` space from Gymnasium, but uses an
    arbitrary list of Tensor objects instead of a range of integers.

    `DiscreteSpace` is also based on PyTorch tensors instead of NumPy arrays.

    def __init__(self, elements: List[Tensor], seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Contructs a `DiscreteSpace`.

            elements: A list of Tensors representing the elements of the space.
            seed: Random seed used to initialize the random number generator of the
                underlying Gym `Discrete` space.
        if len(elements) == 0:
            raise ValueError("`DiscreteSpace` requires at least one element.")
        self._set_validated_elements(elements=elements)  # sets self.elements
        self._gym_space = Discrete(n=len(elements), seed=seed, start=0)

    def _set_validated_elements(self, elements: List[Tensor]) -> None:
        """Creates the set of elements after validating that they all have the
        same shape."""
        # Use the first shape to determine the expected shape.
        validated = []
        expected_shape = elements[0].shape
        for e in elements:
            if e.shape != expected_shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"All elements must have the same shape. Expected {expected_shape}, "
                    f"but got {e.shape}."
        self.elements = validated

    def n(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of elements in this space."""
        return self._gym_space.n

    def is_continuous(self) -> bool:
        """Checks whether this is a continuous space."""
        return False

    def shape(self) -> torch.Size:
        """Returns the shape of an element of the space."""
        return self.elements[0].shape

    def sample(self, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
        """Sample an element uniformly at random from this space.

            mask: An optional Tensor of shape `n` specifying the set of available
                elements, where `1` represents valid elements and `0` invalid elements.
                This mask is passed to Gymnasium's `Discrete.sample` method. If no
                elements are available, `self.elements[0]` is returned.

            A randomly sampled (available) element.
        mask_np = mask.numpy().astype(int) if mask is not None else None
        idx = self._gym_space.sample(mask=mask_np)
        return self.elements[idx]

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tensor]:
        for e in self.elements:
            yield e

    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tensor:
        return self.elements[index]

    def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) -> DiscreteSpace:
        """Constructs a `DiscreteSpace` given a Gymnasium `Discrete` space.
        Convert from Gymnasium's index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list
        of tensors:
            [torch.tensor([start]), ..., torch.tensor([start + n - 1])],
        in accordance to what is expected by `DiscreteSpace`.

            gym_space: A Gymnasium `Discrete` space.

            A `DiscreteSpace` with the same number of elements as `gym_space`.
        assert isinstance(gym_space, Discrete)
        start, n = gym_space.start, gym_space.n
        return DiscreteSpace(
            elements=list(torch.arange(start=start, end=start + n).view(-1, 1)),



Static methods

def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) ‑> DiscreteSpace

Constructs a DiscreteSpace given a Gymnasium Discrete space. Convert from Gymnasium's index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list of tensors: [torch.tensor([start]), …, torch.tensor([start + n - 1])], in accordance to what is expected by DiscreteSpace.


A Gymnasium Discrete space.


A DiscreteSpace with the same number of elements as gym_space.

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def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) -> DiscreteSpace:
    """Constructs a `DiscreteSpace` given a Gymnasium `Discrete` space.
    Convert from Gymnasium's index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list
    of tensors:
        [torch.tensor([start]), ..., torch.tensor([start + n - 1])],
    in accordance to what is expected by `DiscreteSpace`.

        gym_space: A Gymnasium `Discrete` space.

        A `DiscreteSpace` with the same number of elements as `gym_space`.
    assert isinstance(gym_space, Discrete)
    start, n = gym_space.start, gym_space.n
    return DiscreteSpace(
        elements=list(torch.arange(start=start, end=start + n).view(-1, 1)),

Instance variables

var n : int

Returns the number of elements in this space.

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def n(self) -> int:
    """Returns the number of elements in this space."""
    return self._gym_space.n


def sample(self, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None) ‑> torch.Tensor

Sample an element uniformly at random from this space.


An optional Tensor of shape n specifying the set of available elements, where 1 represents valid elements and 0 invalid elements. This mask is passed to Gymnasium's Discrete.sample method. If no elements are available, self.elements[0] is returned.


A randomly sampled (available) element.

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def sample(self, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
    """Sample an element uniformly at random from this space.

        mask: An optional Tensor of shape `n` specifying the set of available
            elements, where `1` represents valid elements and `0` invalid elements.
            This mask is passed to Gymnasium's `Discrete.sample` method. If no
            elements are available, `self.elements[0]` is returned.

        A randomly sampled (available) element.
    mask_np = mask.numpy().astype(int) if mask is not None else None
    idx = self._gym_space.sample(mask=mask_np)
    return self.elements[idx]

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