Module pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.discrete_action

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from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from typing import List, Optional

import torch
from pearl.api.action import Action
from pearl.api.action_space import ActionSpace
from pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.discrete import DiscreteSpace
from pearl.utils.instantiations.spaces.utils import reshape_to_1d_tensor
from torch import Tensor

    import gymnasium as gym
    from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete"Using 'gymnasium' package.")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import gym
    from gym.spaces import Discrete

    logging.warning("Using deprecated 'gym' package.")

class DiscreteActionSpace(DiscreteSpace, ActionSpace):
    """A discrete space containing finitely many `Action` objects. This is a
    special case of a `DiscreteSpace` that performs some shape checking to make
    sure that each action is a Tensor of shape `(d,)`.

    This class makes use of the `Discrete` space from Gymnasium, but uses an
    arbitrary list of `Action` objects instead of a range of integers.

    `DiscreteActionSpace` is based on PyTorch tensors instead of NumPy arrays.

    def __init__(self, actions: List[Action], seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Contructs a `DiscreteActionSpace`.

            actions: A list of possible `Action` objects.
            seed: Random seed used to initialize the random number generator of the
                underlying Gym `Discrete` space.
        super(DiscreteActionSpace, self).__init__(elements=actions, seed=seed)

    def _set_validated_elements(self, elements: List[Tensor]) -> None:
        """Creates the set of actions after validating that a action is a Tensor of
        shape `d` and all actions have the same shape."""
        # Allow scalar or (1, d) Tensors, but reshape them to (d,).
        # Use the first action's shape to compute the expected shape.
        validated_actions = []
        expected_shape = reshape_to_1d_tensor(elements[0]).shape
        for action in elements:
            action = reshape_to_1d_tensor(action)
            if action.shape != expected_shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"All actions must have the same shape. Expected {expected_shape}, "
                    f"but got {action.shape}."
        self.elements = validated_actions

    def actions(self) -> List[Action]:
        """Returns the list of possible `Action` objects."""
        return self.elements

    def actions_batch(self) -> Tensor:
        """Returns a tensor of shape `(b, d)` with each row corresponding to an
        `Action` object from this action space."""
        return torch.stack(self.actions, dim=0)

    def action_dim(self) -> int:
        """Returns the dimensionality of an `Action` element from this space."""
        return self.shape[0]

    def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) -> DiscreteActionSpace:
        """Constructs a `DiscreteActionSpace` given a Gymnasium `Discrete` space.
        Convert from Gymnasium's action index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list
        of action tensors:
            [torch.tensor([start]), ..., torch.tensor([start + n - 1])],
        in accordance to what is expected by `DiscreteActionSpace`.

            gym_space: A Gymnasium `Discrete` space.

            A `DiscreteActionSpace` with the same number of actions as `gym_space`.
        assert isinstance(gym_space, Discrete)
        start, n = gym_space.start, gym_space.n
        return DiscreteActionSpace(
            actions=list(torch.arange(start=start, end=start + n).view(-1, 1)),

    def to(self, device: torch.device) -> None:
        for i, action in enumerate(self.actions):
            self.actions[i] =


class DiscreteActionSpace (actions: List[Action], seed: Optional[int] = None)

A discrete space containing finitely many Action objects. This is a special case of a DiscreteSpace that performs some shape checking to make sure that each action is a Tensor of shape (d,).

This class makes use of the Discrete space from Gymnasium, but uses an arbitrary list of Action objects instead of a range of integers.

DiscreteActionSpace is based on PyTorch tensors instead of NumPy arrays.

Contructs a DiscreteActionSpace.


A list of possible Action objects.
Random seed used to initialize the random number generator of the underlying Gym Discrete space.
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class DiscreteActionSpace(DiscreteSpace, ActionSpace):
    """A discrete space containing finitely many `Action` objects. This is a
    special case of a `DiscreteSpace` that performs some shape checking to make
    sure that each action is a Tensor of shape `(d,)`.

    This class makes use of the `Discrete` space from Gymnasium, but uses an
    arbitrary list of `Action` objects instead of a range of integers.

    `DiscreteActionSpace` is based on PyTorch tensors instead of NumPy arrays.

    def __init__(self, actions: List[Action], seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Contructs a `DiscreteActionSpace`.

            actions: A list of possible `Action` objects.
            seed: Random seed used to initialize the random number generator of the
                underlying Gym `Discrete` space.
        super(DiscreteActionSpace, self).__init__(elements=actions, seed=seed)

    def _set_validated_elements(self, elements: List[Tensor]) -> None:
        """Creates the set of actions after validating that a action is a Tensor of
        shape `d` and all actions have the same shape."""
        # Allow scalar or (1, d) Tensors, but reshape them to (d,).
        # Use the first action's shape to compute the expected shape.
        validated_actions = []
        expected_shape = reshape_to_1d_tensor(elements[0]).shape
        for action in elements:
            action = reshape_to_1d_tensor(action)
            if action.shape != expected_shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"All actions must have the same shape. Expected {expected_shape}, "
                    f"but got {action.shape}."
        self.elements = validated_actions

    def actions(self) -> List[Action]:
        """Returns the list of possible `Action` objects."""
        return self.elements

    def actions_batch(self) -> Tensor:
        """Returns a tensor of shape `(b, d)` with each row corresponding to an
        `Action` object from this action space."""
        return torch.stack(self.actions, dim=0)

    def action_dim(self) -> int:
        """Returns the dimensionality of an `Action` element from this space."""
        return self.shape[0]

    def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) -> DiscreteActionSpace:
        """Constructs a `DiscreteActionSpace` given a Gymnasium `Discrete` space.
        Convert from Gymnasium's action index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list
        of action tensors:
            [torch.tensor([start]), ..., torch.tensor([start + n - 1])],
        in accordance to what is expected by `DiscreteActionSpace`.

            gym_space: A Gymnasium `Discrete` space.

            A `DiscreteActionSpace` with the same number of actions as `gym_space`.
        assert isinstance(gym_space, Discrete)
        start, n = gym_space.start, gym_space.n
        return DiscreteActionSpace(
            actions=list(torch.arange(start=start, end=start + n).view(-1, 1)),

    def to(self, device: torch.device) -> None:
        for i, action in enumerate(self.actions):
            self.actions[i] =


Static methods

def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) ‑> DiscreteActionSpace

Constructs a DiscreteActionSpace given a Gymnasium Discrete space. Convert from Gymnasium's action index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list of action tensors: [torch.tensor([start]), …, torch.tensor([start + n - 1])], in accordance to what is expected by DiscreteActionSpace.


A Gymnasium Discrete space.


A DiscreteActionSpace with the same number of actions as gym_space.

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def from_gym(gym_space: gym.Space) -> DiscreteActionSpace:
    """Constructs a `DiscreteActionSpace` given a Gymnasium `Discrete` space.
    Convert from Gymnasium's action index set {start, start + n - 1} to a list
    of action tensors:
        [torch.tensor([start]), ..., torch.tensor([start + n - 1])],
    in accordance to what is expected by `DiscreteActionSpace`.

        gym_space: A Gymnasium `Discrete` space.

        A `DiscreteActionSpace` with the same number of actions as `gym_space`.
    assert isinstance(gym_space, Discrete)
    start, n = gym_space.start, gym_space.n
    return DiscreteActionSpace(
        actions=list(torch.arange(start=start, end=start + n).view(-1, 1)),

Instance variables

var actions : List[torch.Tensor]

Returns the list of possible Action objects.

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def actions(self) -> List[Action]:
    """Returns the list of possible `Action` objects."""
    return self.elements
var actions_batch : torch.Tensor

Returns a tensor of shape (b, d) with each row corresponding to an Action object from this action space.

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def actions_batch(self) -> Tensor:
    """Returns a tensor of shape `(b, d)` with each row corresponding to an
    `Action` object from this action space."""
    return torch.stack(self.actions, dim=0)


def to(self, device: torch.device) ‑> None
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def to(self, device: torch.device) -> None:
    for i, action in enumerate(self.actions):
        self.actions[i] =

Inherited members